





“嘉”字是“优秀”、“优秀”的意思,含有极高的赞美之意。这个词用在女孩的名字中,突显女孩的优秀品质和才华; “溪”字是流水、溪流的意思,形容流水潺潺。流淌不息,具有生生不息的生命力,寓意写作活跃、思维敏捷,凸显了女孩温柔细腻的性格。佳溪是以他女儿的名字命名的,女儿性格舒缓、温柔、气质可爱。


“锦”字的本义是指华丽的丝缎,色彩艳丽,富有美感。用于给女孩起名,象征美好的未来,彰显她的辉煌; “飞”是花的意思,将其添加到名字中,给名字增添了新鲜感。 ,意思是女孩子就像盛开的花朵,有着花一样的容貌,非常美丽。结合金菲作为女儿的名字,字色鲜艳,可爱动人。


《玉露》取自宋代著名诗词“金风玉露相逢,得胜无数人”。两个词的组合有一种精致可爱的感觉,是一个书卷气的好选择。其中,“玉”字就是美丽的玉石之意。美玉温润无瑕,寓意纯洁美丽的品质,更显少女善良的意思; dew就是露水的意思,晶莹剔透,给人一种休闲轻盈的感觉,给女孩一种清新淡雅的感觉。气质。



Tianying, Jinyi, Yingfang, Lichun

Yingying, Zhiping, Meng Ying, Jinmei

Zhining, Meiman, Qianqiao, Effie

Wei Xuan, Jian Ting, Ling Xin, Shu Yan

Weiyan, Yuanjun, Baomei, Weilan

Yixuan, Tianlei, Dongjuan, Yiping

Linsha, Runmiao, Libing, Fengmei

Yuyin, Bihe, Wanyun, Liqin

Xijing, Fangfei, Jiadan, Xiuya

Xueman, Guoying, Shana, Jiang Wei

Liyan, Yunlei, Yajun, Jingsi

Xiangping, Danchen, Yingxin, Xiyan

Xiaoyi, Manqing, Chenlu, Yuping

Cai Lin, Lan Xi, Shi Fang, Zhi Lan

Qiu Meng, Ming Jing, Yu Rui, De Qin

Qionglan, Fangyun, Liying, Shubing

Zhengfang, Zhiyuan, Shaoli, Meirong

Peiying, Xinwen, Jingya, Fangjuan

Jiemei, Guona, Lin Yue, Fengcai

Yajiao, Lanzhi, Wei Jing, Xiang Yu

The latest complete collection of names for daughters

New and popular things reflect the preferences of people of the times. When choosing a name for your daughter, you might as well choose the latest name, which is fashionable and attractive. Let’s take a look at the latest content of the collection of daughter names below!

01. Ci Ling

Ci Ling's name is elegant and elegant, and it is the name of a daughter with an ancient and scholarly charm. Among them, the word "ci" is an ancient literary genre, which symbolizes talent and knowledge, and can mean that the daughter is a wise and intelligent person; "Ling" refers to water chestnut, which is hard on the outside and sweet on the inside, which is the embodiment of hardness and softness. It means that the daughter is tenacious and kind-hearted.

m.85wu.com Yue

The original meaning of Xin refers to when the sun is about to rise, which can be extended to the meaning of light, dawn, rebirth, and hope. When used as a name, it means cheerful, outgoing, and full of vitality; Yue is a sacred bead in ancient Chinese legends, symbolizing It is noble and mysterious, and is used as a girl's name, which means it is auspicious and noble, and has an elegant charm. Paired with Xinyue as the daughter's name, it means optimism, good nature, and a bright future.

03. Quya

"Qu" means song or music score, which is a manifestation of talent. When used as a girl's name, it shows a noble and elegant sense of versatility; "Ya" means elegance, high-end, not tacky, showing noble inner quality and external image. , is the embodiment of a person's ability and moral integrity, so it is used in a girl's name to highlight her extraordinary abilities. I chose my daughter’s name Quya, which is grand and connotative.

More latest collection of names for daughters:

Xiuying, Yajuan, Yunping, Mengjie

Jingqiu, Jiayi, Linjia, Juanna

Suping, Mingwen, Ruqian, Yijing

Jianying, Xuewei, Jenny, Deyuan

Dongjuan, Ziqin, Jiaojiao, Yunting

Yuejiao, Ruijing, Meicen, Haiping

Jingyi, Yanqiu, Yujing, Mengchen

Liping, Xuemei, America, Yingjun

Jinlan, Yijing, Lingyan, Qixuan

Bingying, Baofang, Yidan, Xianglan

Huilin, Yueru, Mengna, Wenxiang

Wei Ling, Jing Ru, Yan Qiong, Wan Ling

Tonglei, Anjing, Yanyun, Xingmei

Yawen, Xiangrong, Wenmei, Xuejuan

Xiaoyi, Xuewen, Yijiao, Meihui

Huijing, Xinzhe, Jianing, Liying

Mengni, Deli, Yanxue, Tingni

Li Li, Hua Qin, Xiufen, Lizhi

Tianyi, Beisi, Xinzhu, Mengyu

Yufei, Weiqin, Yanli, Yanfeng

Questions and Answers from Netizens on Daughter’s Name Collection

A good name needs to combine the external sound and shape with the internal meaning, so it needs to be analyzed in detail. Parents who are choosing names for their daughters may wish to refer to the following collection of questions and answers from netizens on choosing names for their daughters to seek some inspiration on naming.


Question: My wife gave birth to a lovely little daughter two days ago, and she is still thinking of a name for her. Is there a simple and suitable name that you can recommend?

Answer: Ruowen

若字意为象,则清雅秀丽,有镜花水月的意境之美。在古代就受到文人墨客的青睐。这是一个优雅的词,展现出女孩可爱、优雅的气质; “温”字是温柔、温柔的意思。这是一个美丽角色的名字。这个词在女孩的名字中展现了平安、安宁的祝福,呈现出温柔、优雅的形象。




“颖”字的本义是指稻谷、小麦等有芒的外壳,也是某种细小而细长的东西的尖端。引申义是某个行业的顶尖人才或者有智慧的人。意味着一个女孩有着杰出的才华和非凡的文学才华。 ,是成功和名誉的代名词;韵指的是风度和意义,还可以引申出才华、乐观、开朗的意思,寓意自然美丽、容貌姣好。

以上就是小编整理分享的给女儿取名文章集的全部内容。女孩的名字对女孩的一生有着极其重要的影响。如果您想了解更多关于命名的知识,可以点击“智能命名”了解更多关于在线命名的知识。 。


